Star Wars LEGO Millennium Falcon Build the Millennium Falcon from LEGO as seen in Star Wars, The Force Awakens.Read our feature article: Wow! The Millennium Falcon Lego Set is Amazing!. Find out about The Star Wars Millennium Falcon Now you can buy your own Millennium Falcon Lego Set. Check Price Here Related Gifts for Geeks:Star Wars The Force Awakens Battle Action Millennium FalconWow! The Millennium Falcon Lego Set is Amazing!LEGO Kessel Run Millennium FalconLEGO Ultimate Millennium Falcon LED LightsBest Star Wars Lego SetsLEGO Star Wars Kylo Ren TIE FighterStar Wars MashersStar Wars Hot ToysBest Star Wars Funko PopStar Wars Droid Builder Kit Published on: Author: Sith Lord Emperor StevensComment: 0Post navigationPrevious PostThe Mandalorian Season 1 Episode SummaryNext PostDancing Groot Toy by Hasbro