During the War of Kings, a massive eruption apparently killed Black Bolt and Vulcan. Realm of Kings shows…
Gamora, She Hulk and The Champion of the Universe
When the Champion of the Universe takes control over the planet Skardon the only way he would agree to give up his power is by being defeated in the ring. Many super heroes attempt to defeat the Champion, but all fail. It is left up to She Hulk trained by Gamora to try and defeat the ruler.
The Thanos Imperative
The Thanos Imperative is a Marvel comic story that focuses on the efforts to stop an alternative universe…
Iron Man: Demon In A Bottle
Demon In A Bottle is an essential Iron Man storyline which changed the way superhero characters could be developed.
What Would The Real Iron Man Suit Be Made Of?
How realistic is the Iron Man Armour? What would the real Iron Man suit made from?
Iron Man Extremis
A big influence on Iron Man 3, the Extremis story revitalised the Irom Man character for the comic book audience.
Iron Monger Saga : Iron Man 1985
The Iron Monger Saga is a classic story arc from the Iron Man comic book series. It features the supervillain Iron Monger whilst also confronting Tony Starks inner demons.
Guardians of the Galaxy – Annihilation: Conquest
Annihilation: Conquest introduces us to the Guardians of the Galaxy before they became the team we now know…
Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy
Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy is set when the Marvel Heroes are helping to rebuild the entire galaxy after two previous Annihilation wars had almost led to the elimination of the universe.
The Infinity Crossover
The Infinity Crossover offered an epic batle that spanned the Marvel Universe. Thanos, the evil and powerful Titan makes a devastating return in Infinity. His return means that there is renewed war on Earth and in deep space as efforts are made to stop him.
Infinity War
The Infinity War six comic book series from Marvel Comics was published during 1992. It was written by Jim Starlin with animation drawn by Ron Lin, Ian Laughlin, Al Milgrom, Christie Scheele as well as Jack Morelli.
When Titans Collide : Every Appearance of Thanos : Part 5
Every Appearance of Thanos : Part 5. Captain Marvel v1 #28 “When Titans Collide”, Written by Jim Starlin and Mike Frerich was Published in September 1973.
Trapped on Titan : Every Appearance of Thanos : Part 4
Every Appearance of Thanos : Part 4. Captain Marvel v1 #27 “Trapped on Titan!” was published in July 1973. It was written by Mike Friedrich and Jim Starlin with art also by Mr Starlin.
Betrayal! Every Appearance of Thanos in Marvel Comics : Part 3
We continue our run through of every Marvel comic appearance of Thanos. Captain Marvel v1 #26 “Betrayal!” was published in May 1973. The story is written by Mike Freiedrich with Jim Starlin who also produced the artwork.
The Death Of Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel fought scores of classic villains and interacted with many other heroes in his book and other books throughout the years. Eventually, Mar-Vell faced one foe that he couldn’t defeat. The Kree warrior was diagnosed with cancer after a battle with his nemesis Nitro.
First Appearance of Thanos in Marvel Comics
Iron Man V1 #55 : “Beware the Bloood Brothers” was the first appearance of Thanos in the marvel comics. It was published in February 1973.