Star Trek Blogger Award

Has your blog has been nominated for a Geek Hut Star Trek Blogger Award? If you have, congratulations!

Receiving a nomination means that your content has been recommended by fellow Star Trek fans. And we want to thank you for your passion and work producing this content.

As a nominee, you can proudly display the Award badge on your website, blog page or in social media. You have been recognised as a thought leader within the Star Trek fan community. As such, we value your opinions, knowledge and insights.

Our Favourite Blog Sites By Star Trek Fans

Trek Today

Trek News

Women At Warp

Trek Today

My Star Trek Scrapbook

Star Trek Reviewed

Dave’s Blog


Trekkie Girls

Trek Core

Star Trek SciFi Blog

Musings of a Middle-Aged Geek

Trek Zone

Roger Thompson MA

The Federalist

If Your Star Trek Blog has Been Nominated

As part of the Blogger Award requirements, we would like you to suggest 3-5 other bloggers that deserve to be nominated for their work. Please read the rules so that all your favourite blog authors get included in the list of influential Star Trek blogs.

Following your nomination, we request that you create a post linking into the Geek Hut Star Trek Blogger Award page. Within the post, please include and follow each step in the guidelines below.

Once you have nominated your favourite Star Trek blogs, complete the form below with a link to the post. We will include your description and a link to your site in our nomination page.

To add the badge onto your blog copy this code . Add it as HTML in your page where you would like the badge to appear.

The rules of the Geek Hut Sci-fi blogger Award are:

  • Add the Award logo to your blog post
  • List the rules
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Mention the award and provide a link the category page on the Geek Hut website
  • Tell your readers 3 things about your blog and why it is important to you
  • Nominate 3-5 blogs in your category
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees to share their opinion about a question related to the category
  • Share a link to your best post(s)
  • Answer the question your nominator gave you
  • Let Geek Hut know that you have been nominated by submitting your link to the relevant category page

Welcome to the Bridge.

Get on the list of best Star Trek blogs

If you have been nominated for a Star Trek blogger award, complete a post on your blog following the guidelines above. Afterwards, beam back to this page and complete the form below to get added to the list.

[contact-form-7 id=”7306″ title=”Star Trek Blog Award”]

Make it so.

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