Star Trek Monopoly
There have been four variations of Star Trek Monopoly released. We look at all editions below.
Explore generations of exciting Starfleet history as you buy and sell these iconic locations from the Star Trek universe.
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The Next Generation Collector’s Edition Monopoly
The Star Trek: The Next Generation Collector’s Edition Monopoly game was produced by USAopoly. Released in 1998, it was the first of four Star Trek-themed Monopoly games that have been produced by the company.
Star Trek Monopoly Limited Edition with 8 Collectible Pewter Tokens is a must have for fans of the show.
Any Star Trek fan will love moving round the Monoply board playing as one of these pieces: Klingon Blood Wine Goblet, Captain’s Chair, Communicator, Vulcan Harp, Shuttlecraft, Phaser.
The game played exactly the same as the original Monopoly game, but the elements of the game were all based on The Next Generation:
- The pawns were small, pewter recreations of the main crewmembers from the USS Enterprise-D
- The “properties” were different aliens and races, from whom players purchase “alliances”
- The money was made to resemble different denominations of gold-pressed latinum
- The houses and hotels were replaced by starships (small white blocks, each with a relief of the Enterprise) and starbases (shaped similar to Earth’s spacedock)
- The Chance and Community Chest cards were replaced with “Captain’s Log” and “Starfleet Orders” cards, respectively
Star Trek Limited Edition Monopoly
The Star Trek Limited Edition Monopoly game was produced by USAopoly. Released in 2000, it was the second of four Star Trek-themed Monopoly games thus far produced by the company.
The game played exactly the same as the original Monopoly game, but the elements of the game were all based on Star Trek: The Original Series:
- The pawns were small, pewter recreations of the main crewmembers from the original Enterprise.
- The “properties” were now different aliens and races, from whom you are purchasing “alliances”.
- The money was made to resemble different denominations of Federation credits.
- The houses and hotels were replaced by starships (small white blocks, each with a relief of the Enterprise) and space stations (which most closely resembled Deep Space Station K-7).
- The Chance and Community Chest cards are now “Captain’s Log” and “Starfleet Orders” cards, respectively.
Star Trek Continuum Monopoly
The game plays exactly the same as the original Monopoly game, but the elements of the game are all based on the various facets of the “Prime Universe” of Star Trek:
- Includes 6 collectible pewter tokens
- 2-6 players
- Ages: 8+ Years
The playing pieces are small, pewter recreations of key items from Star Trek:
- Captain Kirk’s command chair,
- a 23rd century Starfleet communicator,
- a Klingon bloodwine goblet,
- the Galileo shuttlecraft,
- a Vulcan lute
- and the 2290s version of the type 2 phaser.
The “properties” are different alien races and notable locations seen in various Star Trek eras, from whom you are “purchasing” permission to explore and allow ships to orbit their worlds.
The money is designed to represent different denominations of gold-pressed latinum.
The houses and hotels are renamed starships and fleets, and recolored black and silver, respectively (as opposed to the green houses and red hotels in a standard Monopoly set).
The Chance and Community Chest cards are now “Sensor Readings” and “Subspace Transmission” cards, respectively.
Star Trek Klingon Edition Monopoly
Like the previous “Continuum Edition” version of the game, the layout of the board is updated to match that of post-2008 release versions of the standard Monopoly set.
The lowest-valued properties being colored brown instead of purple, the “Tax” spaces now having flat 200 and 100 amounts instead of the old “10% or 200” and “75” amounts, respectively.
Includes Game board, 6 Collectible tokens, 28 Title Deed Cards, 16 COMBAT cards, 16 HONOR cards, 2 Dice, 32 Outposts, 12 Capitals, 1 Pack of Klingon Forces, Rules.
The game plays exactly the same as the original Monopoly game, but the elements of the game are all based on the various facets of the Klingon race as seen in the “Prime Universe” of Star Trek:
- Most of the game text is reflected in both English and Klingonese, both phonetically and in Klingon script. (Note: Although not considered “official”, the box insert includes a guide to the glyphs used as Klingon lettering and the matching sounds as per Marc Okrand’s developed language.)
- The playing pieces are small, pewter recreations of key Klingon icons: a bat’leth, a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, a captain’s chair from a Klingon bridge, a D’k tahg, a Klingon disruptor, and the High Court gavel used by Klingon magistrates (as seen in ENT: “Judgment” and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country).
- The “Properties” are now different alien worlds seen in various Star Trek eras, which you are attempting to “conquer” in the name of the Klingon Empire. The Railroads have been replaced by various classes of Klingon ships: the Raptor-class, the Negh’Var-class, the Vor’cha-class, and the K’t’inga-class. The Utilities have been replaced by the Rura Penthe Mines and the Praxis Energy Facility.
- The money is designed to represent different levels of Klingon Forces, and each denomination depicts a bust of Kahless.
- The houses and hotels are renamed Outposts (small yellow dome-like structures) and Capitals (small red replicas of the Great Hall in the First City on Qo’noS).
- The Chance and Community Chest cards are now “Combat” and “Honor” cards, respectively.