Zerotech Dobby Pocket Selfie Drone
Check out the Zerotech Dobby Pocket Selfie Drone. This awesome selfie drone is equipped with all you need to take great aerial photos while being small enough to fit in your pocket.

ZEROTECH Dobby Pocket Selfie Drone FPV With 4K HD Camera and 3-Axis Gimbal GPS Mini RC Quadcopter
- Folding the fuselage
- The pressure is high
- Aerial photography
- Phone control
- Real Time transmission
- Gravity Sensor
- VR loading
- Track flight

It’s a drone with GPS and stabilised video (and all sorts of other tech) that you can actually fit in your pocket.

- With 4K Hd Camera
- 3-Axis Gimbal Gps
- Pocket Selfie Drone Fpv
- Mini Rc Quadcopter