Best Marvel Villains That Comics Fans Love to Hate
Who are your favourite super villains from the Marvel Universe?
We have carried out research from across the internet to discover which Marvel Villains the fans love to hate the most.

Table of Contents
Top Super Villains Ranked
We compiled this list featuring the best, the strongest and most powerful foes that our comic book super heroes need to face.
If your favourite Marvel Villain is not ranked below, leave a comment letting us know why they should be included in this list.
Marvel Villain #1
Doctor Doom

Which Marvel Comic?
- Fantastic Four
- Avengers
- Spiderman
- Iron Man
- Hulk
- Daredevil
- Thor
- Luke Cage
- X Men
- Dr Strange
- She Hulk
Doctor Doom Powers:
- Technopathy
- Energy absorption and projection
- Genius-level intellect
- Dark mysticism and sorcery
Marvel Villain #2

Which Marvel Comic?
- Spider-man
- Secret Avengers
- Thunderbolts
- Guardians of the Galaxy
Venom Powers:
- Shapeshifting and camouflage
- Symbiote Spider-Man powers
- Symbiote’s autonomous defense capabilities
- Undetectable by Spider-Man’s “Spider-sense”
Marvel Villain #3

Which Marvel Comic?
- Avengers
- Captain Marvel
- Iron Man
- Daredevil
- Warlock
- Silver Surfer
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Thor
Thanos Powers:
- Superhuman physiology of Eternals
- Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and longevity
- Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
- Genius-level tactician
- Plasma energy projection
Marvel Villain #4

Which Marvel Comic?
- Fantastic Four
- Silver Surfer
- Thor
- Daredevil
- Guardians of The Galaxy
- Quasar
- Doctor Strange
Doctor Doom Powers:
- Technopathy
- Energy absorption and projection
- Genius-level intellect
- Dark mysticism and sorcery
Marvel Villain #4

Which Marvel Comic?
- X-men
- Avengers
Magneto Powers:
- Magnetism manipulation
- Flight through magnetic fields
- Helmet shields against telepathic attacks
- Generation of magnetic force fields
Marvel Villain #3
Green Goblin

Which Marvel Comic?
- Spiderman
Green Goblin Powers:
- Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility and reflexes
- Genius-level intellect
- Regenerative healing factor
- Uses goblin-themed weapons and a Goblin Glider
Marvel Villain #6

Which Marvel Comic?
- Thor
- Avengers
Loki Powers:
- Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity
- Master of manipulation and deceit
- Asgardian powers
- Astral projection
- Inter-dimensional teleportation
- Shapeshifting
- Telepathy
- Flight
- Energy blasts
Marvel Villain #7
Red Skull

Which Marvel Comic?
- Captain America
Red Skull Powers:
- Expert tactician, strategist, and field commander
- Astral projection
- Genius-level intellect and scientist
- Peak human strength, speed and stamina
- Telepathy strong enough to manipulate people
Marvel Villain #8

Which Marvel Comic?
- Avengers
- Iron Man
- Ant Man
Ultron Powers:
- Superhuman strength, speed, agility and durability
- Flight
- Energy blasts
- Abilities via robotic body
- Artificial intelligence with genius-level intellect
Marvel Villain #9
Doctor Octopus

Which Marvel Comic?
- Spiderman
Doctor Octopus Powers:
- Telepathic control over his mechanical arms
- Wears super-strong and durable mechanical appendages
- Superb strategist
- Brilliant engineer and inventor
Marvel Villain #10

Which Marvel Comic?
- X-men
Apocalypse Powers:
- Self-Molecular Control
- Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, endurance, durability
- Genius-level intellect
- Matter manipulation
- Energy manipulation
- Capacity to transfer consciousness to another being
- Has the ability to absorb, manipulate, or steal the powers of other mutants and cosmic beings
Marvel Villain #11
Phoenix Force

Which Marvel Comic?
- X-Men
Phoenix Force Powers:
- Vast abilities to manipulate energy and matter
- Powerful psionic abilities including Telepathy and Telekinesis
- Manipulation of Life-force
- Cosmic awareness and prescience
Marvel Villain #12

Which Marvel Comic?
- Daredevil
- Spider-Man
Kingpin Powers:
- Master armed/unarmed combatant
- Criminal mastermind/tactician
- Peak human strength and durability
- Wears Kevlar armor
- Use of a laser gun-equipped cane
Marvel Villain #13
Kang the Conqueror

Which Marvel Comic?
- Avengers
Kang the Conqueror Powers:
- Time travel
- Genius-level intellect
- Skilled tactician and hand-to-hand combatant
- Resistance to radiation
- Access to advanced technology
- Highly advanced battle armour
Marvel Villain #14

Which Marvel Comic?
- Iron Man
Mandarin Powers:
- Brilliant and brutal tactician
- Superhumanly skilled martial artist
- Genius-level intellect
- Gifted strategist
- Wears ten rings that grant various powers
Marvel Villain #15

Which Marvel Comic?
- Ghost Rider
- Silver Surfer
Mephisto Powers:
- Superhuman intelligence and physical attributes
- Magic
- Immortality
Marvel Villain #16

Which Marvel Comic?
- Dr Strange
Dormammu Powers:
- Mystic energy manipulation
- Dimensional teleportation
- Immortality
- Mastery of dark magic
Marvel Villain #17

Which Marvel Comic?
- X-Men
Juggernaut Powers:
- Superhuman strength, stamina, and durability
- Virtually unstoppable momentum
- Invulnerability via mystical force field
- Immunity to mental attacks via his helmet
Marvel Villain #18

Which Marvel Comic?
- Spider-Man
Lizard Powers:
- Genius-level intellect
- Transforms into a violent lizard monster
- Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability,
- Telepathic control over reptiles
Marvel Villain #19

Which Marvel Comic?
- Hulk
Leader Powers:
- Genius-level genetic engineer
- Superhuman probability evaluation
- Psionic powers
Marvel Villain #20
Baron Helmut Zemo

Which Marvel Comic?
- Captain America
Baron Helmut Zemo Powers:
- Scientific genius
- Skilled strategist
- Slowed aging
- Possesses the Moonstones
- Master swordsman and hand-to-hand combatant
- Superhuman strength, speed and agility
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