A Taste of Madness: Every Appearance of Thanos in Marvel Comics : Part 2
Part 2 of the complete chronological appearances of Thanos in Marvel Comics.

Captain Marvel V1 #25 “A Taste of Madness” offers the next glimpse of Thanos in the Marvel comics universe. Published in March 1973, The story is written by Mike Fredrich with art by Jim Starlin.
Captain Marvel V1 #25 : A Taste of Madness
The appearance of thanos in this issue is never fully revealed. We only hear the voice of the MasterLord and see his hand from the view of the back of his chair as he observes the action on screen.

Mar-Vell begins the issue in a fight with unknown aliens. As the aliens are defeated, Mar-Vell spots a robot observer which promptly disappears.
We see the Back of a mysterious watcher in a chair observing the action on screen.
As we have all guessed, the watcher is Thanos but that fact is not revealed within this issue.
Using a large screen he observes Captain Marvell by using the teleporting robot as a camera.
With his robotic spy, Thanos confirms that Mar-vell has lost half his powers.

Thanos declares “Begin operation Kree Crusher”
We then cut to a knock on the door of Professor Savannah. The professor is shot dead. The shooter is revealed to be a police officer codenamed S-1 reporting to his Masterlord.
Mar-Vell believes that the professors Photon-Ray is responsible for his power loss, so he decides to visit his apartment.
Mar-Vell transforms back into the human form of Rick Jones to meet the professor. As he discovers the dead body, the police officer S-1 is waiting to accuse Rick jones of the murder.

The police officer calls to Lou-Ann, the professor’s niece as a witness to the shooting. When she is asked if Rick Jones killed her uncle she answers “Yes!”

Rick Jones is pistol whipped and taken under arrest to an office being used as a police station.
All the while Thanos has the action on screen.
Thanos calls to his minion S-2 to take his part in the operation.

As Rick is thrown into a cell, he switches back into Mar-Vell and breaks free of his handcuffs.
But from behind Mar-Vell is struck by a blast from Ronan the Accuser which seemed odd, since Mar-Vell believed he had been frozen in space.

Suddenly Ronan vanishes like Thanos’ spy robot did earlier.
And crashing through a door, Megaton appears, striking Mar-Vell to the ground. This seems strange to Marvel as Megaton is also supposedly dead having recently exploded .

Again Mar-Vell is attacked by a figure from his past. This time his former superior Yon-Rogg.
Then a succession of foes attack Mar-Vell from all directions including Hulk, Zarek, the Metazoid, Aakon and Namor.
The attackers then transform into duplicates of Mar-Vell and Rick Jones which deliver the final blow to his ego.
The defeated Mar-Vell leaves the body of Rick Jones and the agents of Thanos put a Psycho-Probe on his head claiming Captain Marvel is Defeated.

The attackers then change back to their true form of Super Skrull and Skragg.
They report back to Masterlord Thanos that operation Kree-Crusher was a success.
As the plot is explained to Thanos, Rick Jones is able to remove the Psycho-Probe having heard the whole story. Jones had not believed the police officer was real or that the office that he was held in was a police station.

And since his mind was not as wiped as it should have been, the
Psycho-Probe had no effect.

Rick Jones returns as Captain Marvel and defeats the two Skrull. During the battle the building collapses and the Skrull vanish leaving Mar-Vell, as well as the reader, to ponder, “who is this MasterLord?”

This article was part of the complete Thanos Chronological Appearances in Marvel Comics.
There is a long way to go before we cover every Thanos story, and we welcome you to join us to uncover the history of the Mad Titan.
If you would like Geek Hut to continue the complete chronological appearances of Thanos click the links below.
Geek Hut are working on producing the full chronological order of every Thanos appearance in Marvel Comics. If you would like to watch the full playlist follow the link below.
Chronological Order of Every Thanos Appearance in Marvel Comics
You can also read more about Thanos on our page dedicated to the Mad Titan.
Everything you need to know about Thanos.
Resources for Every Appearance of Thanos in Marvel Comics : Part 2 : A Taste of Madness:
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